What diseases do skunks carry?

You might see a Wisconsin skunk on your garden one day and you might wonder if they carry certain diseases. Like other wild animals, skunks eat anything and they wander anywhere. It is possible for them to contract certain diseases especially if they are in environments that do not have enough food.

There are studies conducted in Canada that skunks are prone to rabies. The saliva of the Madison skunk can come in contact with your skin when you are bitten. You might also be infected with the rabies virus if you are scratched by a rabid skunk.

Other Diseases that Masdison Skunks May Carry
Leptospirosis – This is similar to the disease that rats carry. The urine of an infected skunk is very dangerous. One drop of urine may contain different kinds of bacteria and viruses. You should, therefore, be wary when you see signs of urine inside your dens or attics. You can try to identify the location where the skunks usually frequent. If it is near your water source, you can try to install wired fences to prevent them from entering the area. When you are infected, you might experience influenza, jaundice in the liver and kidney or even death. It is important to take the diseases seriously since you or your family members might be in danger if they are not treated early.

This is a disease that is also known to be present in some skunks. You can contract hepatitis through a skunk when they bite or scratch you. It is therefore important to approach them with caution. Use gloves or other thick body coverings when necessary.

This is common to all wild animals including squirrels and rats. This can come from the urine or feces of the skunks. The water might also be mixed with bacteria and viruses so you have to be careful when you see skunk urine near a water source. Your skin can also be directly in contact with roundworms and this can spell trouble.

This is a disease carried by wild animals but they often do not affect human. The common victims of distemper include pet animals such as dogs and cats. You can have your dog or cat vaccinated in order to immunize them from distemper. Keep in mind that not all skunks carry diseases. In some states, it is even legal to adopt skunks as pets as long as you remove their scent glands first. They are very entertaining and cute animals. The bottom line is that you have to be wary when you approach wild animals and skunks and other wild animals.

Having Doubts that You Might Have Contracted a Disease?
You can visit your doctor and ask for their opinion. You can tell them if you are bitten or scratched so that you will be given immediate treatment. Note that not all skunks will scratch and bite as humans are wary of them in the first place because of their foul-smelling scent glands.

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